2B Psychology

2B Psychology is a holistic mental health & wellness practice. They provide a unique combination of counselling, coaching and self development courses & resources for their clients to live well and achieve their goals.

Project Outline

An established private practice, 2B Psychology decided to close the doors to their physical location and transition into an online only practice at the height of Covid-19 in 2020. We created a website with a calm user experience in mind, designed to be easy for potential clients to navigate. After launching their website, we worked closely with 2B to develop an online resource library that would complement their services and introduce some recurring/passive income for the business. Now a membership-based subscription service, we’ve continued building their resources including two online video courses, with more still to come.



Website & online course design


Lead magnet creation, online course designs, thoughtful website copy, subscription-based membership service, integrated contact form
Townsville web design for psychology practice
Townsville web design for psychology practice
Townsville web design for psychology practice

Kind Words

Thank you for creating a beautiful website! It is perfectly congruent with the theme of evoking wellbeing and professionalism. Outstanding job!

Brendon, 2B Psychology

Townsville web design for psychology practice

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